Excuse the pun!
Jade has been absolutely glued to the telly lately, watching Autumnwatch, she's obsessed with wildlife bless her. She had been watching the broadcasts from
Martin Mere, the wildfowl reserve, where Bill Oddie, Kate Humble and Simon King have been broadcasting from. Seeing as it's only a short car ride away for us, we decided to treat the J's, and they had a fab time, coming home with Kate Humble's autograph which Jade was dead chuffed with, and, as the receptionist told us 'she has handsigned all of them, they're not printed, like Bill Oddie's, oh, and they're not here today'. Bugger! Me and John were ready to do the Goodies walk, trying to remember the theme tune " Goodieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees, Goodie Goodie Yum Yum'!!!!
Anyway!!! Here are the rest of the pics...