Sunday, October 29, 2006

Dig Deep...

Please dig deep, bid as much as you can, and spread the word!
All in aid of the CdLS Foundation.
Click on the pic to see the auction.
Thank you.

Monday, October 16, 2006

Twinkle Twinkle...

How cute is this boy. Chatting away to the gorgeous Jodi on MSN and Joe decides he wants to serenade her! Click on the little man himself to listen...

Monday, October 09, 2006

What A Fowl Day!

Excuse the pun!

Jade has been absolutely glued to the telly lately, watching Autumnwatch, she's obsessed with wildlife bless her. She had been watching the broadcasts from Martin Mere, the wildfowl reserve, where Bill Oddie, Kate Humble and Simon King have been broadcasting from. Seeing as it's only a short car ride away for us, we decided to treat the J's, and they had a fab time, coming home with Kate Humble's autograph which Jade was dead chuffed with, and, as the receptionist told us 'she has handsigned all of them, they're not printed, like Bill Oddie's, oh, and they're not here today'. Bugger! Me and John were ready to do the Goodies walk, trying to remember the theme tune " Goodieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees, Goodie Goodie Yum Yum'!!!!

Anyway!!! Here are the rest of the pics...

The sheep were so funny, that was actually on the way home, the sheep had got out of their field, and the farmer and his dog were trying to herd them back but were having great difficulty seeing as all the dog was interested in was sniffing all the walls and pissing up them!

Saturday, October 07, 2006

My Turn!

A few people have asked to see my hair. The reason why I didn't put a pic up of it is that I wasn't as thrilled with it as I was last time, not enough colour in it. Maybe next time, I'll be a bit bolder!
Not a brilliant pic of my hair but better than the one I had on before when I had only been up for an hour!

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Hair By Annie

I decided the other day that Joe's hair is a big mess, no shape to it, but didn't want to go to the barbers and have it all cut off. I took him to Annie's, where I have my hair done, and came home with this little dude as a result!