Thursday, January 26, 2006

What Scent Are You?

Your Scent is Rose

Delicate, feminine, and soft
Your personality is fresh and understated

Sunday, January 22, 2006

Five - Nicked off Kelly

Just nicked this off Kelly's blog

5 Boys Names

William (see the connection?)

5 Girls's Names

Helen (Jade's middle name and my mum's name)

5 Books

Well, I don't really read books, so here goes:

Milly Molly Mandy
Magic Faraway Tree
Enchanted Wood

5 Singers

Robbie Williams
Joss Stone
Stevie Wonder
and, purely based on looks for this one, Shayne Ward!

5 Drinks

Tia Maria
Lime and Soda

5 Films

Coming to America
Dirty Dancing
Coyote Ugly
Kill Bill (Both)

5 songs

Everything Changes - Take That
No Worries - Simon Webbe
HRT - Goldie Lookin' Chain
A night to remember - Shalamar
(I've had) The time of My Life - Bill Medley and Jennifer Warnes

My 5 songs would prob change daily, depends on what sort of mood I am in!

Friday, January 20, 2006

Caption Photo No. 2

Again, please leave your captions in comments or tag board but if using the tag board then please put the photo number. Ta, E. x

Caption Photo No. 1

Here it is! If you want to make up a caption then please leave it as a comment, a few of you have had problemos with that so you could use the tag board but please put the number of the pic as I am going to do a few of these, would be good if a few of us can do this!

Smiley Faces At Smiles On Faces

We had a lovely time today, we took Joe and Blessing to Smiles On Faces near the town centre. Joe hasn't been for 12 months, he was only 5 months old, Blessing had never been. Here are just a couple of the pics that were taken!

I thought Joe would absolutely hate the massive slide so we started him on the baby one with just a teeny ball pool at the bottom...

...then he progressed to this!

He had an absolute whale of a time!!! I struggled to get him out of the ball pool, he was adamant that he was staying in there!

We only stayed about 3 quarters of an hour, we got in as reduced rate with me being a childminder. They were getting pretty knackered, Blessing had been running around the outside of the playzone about 4 or 5 times and it's pretty massive!

We took a couple of funny pics so I think I will post them and if you like you can leave a caption for them.

TTFN, Ess. x

Monday, January 16, 2006

Proud Mum Moment pt II

I just had to post these two piccies of my gorgeous kids, I am so nauseatingly proud of them. Jade is a little under the weather at the moment, but I managed to capture a smiley pic of her, she has a gorgeous smile, god knows where she gets her looks from!

I actually allowed Joe to sit at the computer desk tonight, I don't normally cos he just bangs things on it and I don't want it to end up with loads of dents in it! He looked so grown up, you wouldn't think he was only 17 months old!

So, now I hope you can see why I am so stupidly proud of my kiddiwinks!

Big weigh in day tomorrow, I am sooo excited, I know I have done well but I am dying to know exactly how much I have lost in a week. It has been relatively easy, I haven't had any cravings in particular, I don't eat much in the day anyway, it's just at night when I nibble, so I have been careful there.

Anyway, will have to start the old Max and Paddy DVD soon, I haven't been able to do it for laughing!

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

What Do Guys Like About You?

Guys Like That You're Charming

You're the girl most guys can't get out of their heads
Even if they met you on a bad hair day :-)
You just seem to "click" with everyone you meet
So even if a guy forgets about you for a second... his friends haven't!

What Hit Song Of 2005 Are You?

Your 2005 Song Is

Don't Cha by the Pussycat Dolls

"Dont cha wish your girlfriend was hot like me
Dont cha wish your girlfriend was a freak like me"

What happens in 2005, stays in 2005!

OMG That is Jade's favourite favourite song!!!!

Who was I in High School?

All American Kid

Popular but not plastic. Athletic but not a jock. Smart but not a brain.

You were well rounded and well liked in high school.

Monday, January 02, 2006

Happy New Year!!!

Hello all!!

Well, New Years Eve was quite uneventful, we just stopped in, too knackered to go out and we weren't even slightly pissed! I had one G&T! We sat and watched the fireworks in London, on the telly, weren't they just awesome!

New Years Day was spent shifting stuff around in anticipation of the new furniture we were expecting from Nanna's, a lovely pine desk and massive pine wardrobe. They arrived today and my laptop now has pride of place on the desk. I have bought a new mouse mat off Ebay, a spotty one from Ikea, so I won't have to rest on a pad! I met my mum at the canal and she took the kids to her house so we could crack on with the clearing up cos Joe is such a tinker he would have been into everything!

I have taken a couple of photos from when they were wrapped up. Joe is wearing his new hat that my mum bought him for Crimbo. The second pic is terrible quality but he looks so cheeky I couldn't resist, it makes me laugh every time I look at it!