Thursday, October 27, 2005

See The Difference!

Sorry if I seem a bit obsessed about Jade and her new ears, but the transformation is amazing. She has got the colour back in her face and she has hardly mentioned that her ears hurt. Here are the before and after pics.

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

A Little Bit Better

Hi all. Not much to say today really apart from Jade had a lovely night's sleep, probably from the anaesthetic but I think it has done her the world of good. She does look very pale though, but she will come round soon. Here is the first pic of her new ears!

The Big Day

We got up v early this morning so Jade could have some breakkie, she had to have finished it by 8, then she had a drink of water just before we set off to drop off Joe at my friends before we got to the hospital.

God the ward was like something off the Royal! Anyway, Jade was fairly cool about it all, they put some 'magic cream' on the backs of her hands to numb them for when they inserted the cannula. It was touch and go as to whether or not the op was going to take place as she had a bit of a cold but they said she would be fine as her temperature was ok. When it was her turn, John carried her into the anaesthetic room, and they distracted her with the heart monitor, making McDonalds signs by wiggling her finger. The turning point was when she looked at them inserting the cannula and she went ballistic. We had to hold her still while they tried the other hand. They still couldn't manage it so we had to hold her down while they gave her gas, trust me when I say it was the hardest thing we have had to do, she was just shouting 'Help me, I want to go home'. I was fighting back the tears. All of a sudden everything went quiet and she was sparko so we went outside and I burst into tears.

We were having our lunch in the parents room when we were called to meet her in the recovery room. As we were walking along the corridor, we could hear her screaming. They explained to us that this wasn't because of the pain, it was a combination of the anaesthetic and the fact that she was screaming when she went to sleep.

The registrar told us that the op went better than expected, I am just waiting till she looks a better in herself before I take a piccie of her.

We managed to calm her down when we got onto the ward and she slept for a good hour and a half before demolishing a plate of toast and 2 cups of blackcurrant before we were allowed home with a bag full of painkillers.

My mum dropped Joe off, apparently he had trashed her house (it is nice when I hear he does do it to other people's houses)! We got Jade off to sleep then mum went home.

Why is it that Jade has to go through so much pain to make herself more socially acceptable to her peers?

Monday, October 24, 2005

Throwing a Wobbly

I am feeling very emotional tonight, I laid on Jade's bed with her tonight while she fell asleep and got so emotional. From tomorrow, my baby will look different, for the rest of her life. I so hope everything runs smoothly tomorrow, I don't think I will get much sleep tonight. I know John is feeling the same too, but he doesn't say much. John's mum doesn't even know about the op, she knows Jade was down on the waiting list, but she went on her honeymoon 3 days before we got notification of the date.

We have taken the before pics, and in our eyes, Jade doesn't need this operation but there are bound to be some nasty little scrotes who would really make her life a misery. Bastards.

I am sooo looking forward to taking her to Toys R Us, when she is better, we have said she can pick a toy (within reason) for being so brave!

I am off now to (try) get some shut eye, she has to have finished her breakfast before 8am.

Saturday, October 22, 2005

Feeling Better Now

Hi all!!! Well I am now calming down about Jade's big day on Monday, I just hope she can remain lurgy free till then! Last week she told me she didn't want to have green eyes, she wanted blue ones like mine. I told her I had a word with the doctor and he said he doesn't know how to do that but he can make it so that she can have ears like mine. I also told her she will have special earrings in (they put beads at either end of the stitches to keep them taut) and she was cool with that. I will have to post before and after pics to show how it has gone.

I know we are doing this for all the right reasons but I still can't help feeling incredibly guilty.

Joe is so funny at the moment, he is just soooooo cheeky, I can't help keep scooping him up in my arms for loads of cuddles, when I ask him for a kiss he puts his head down as if to say 'no you are not worthy but you may kiss my forehead'! Bless 'im!!!!!! He is eating like a bloody sparrow at the moment, hardly any at all, so I have got him on formula still for his 2 bottles so I know he is getting all the good stuff. Anything edible at the moment is 'jish', which he just used to use for 'juice' at first but apparently, even a full sunday roast dinner is 'jish'.

Leaving you with a pic of DJ Joe, from last night with Daddy's gaming headset on! Oh, and one of Jade with her new black eye, from whacking herself in the face with her fairy wand!