Saturday, November 26, 2005

What Wonderful People

Sorry I haven't posted for a while, my world, at the moment is revolving around the fact that my beloved Nanna only has a couple of weeks left with us. She is currently in St Catherine's Hospice in Preston, and they are the reason behind the title of this post.

Nanna has now been in there for a couple of weeks now but I wasn't able to go and see her until last monday as the kids have had various sniffles etc, and, as her immune system is shot to pieces, it would have killed her. I have been totally bowled over by the kindness of the people who work at St Caths, I didn't actually know until today that the place is purely funded by charity. There is no charge for the patients to be there, and yet nothing is any trouble whatsoever for the staff. The hospice have a website, the address is , there is actually an online shop on there, with some lovely christmas cards, so if you still haven't bought any, these are lovely, I have seen them in the hospice shop.

I really can't believe that my dear Nanna won't be with us for much longer, we have always been close, and I can't imagine her not being around. All of my online friends, and you know who you are, have been of tremendous support, I can't thank you enough!

Two things have touched my heart in a big way lately, one was when my mum went to see Nanna, and Nanna could smell cigarette smoke (no-one was smoking). My mum suggested that it was Granddad (who passed away in May this year), watching over her with his Golden Virginia roll-up and Nanna said 'yes, I do like to think so, hello Ray'. The other thing was, when I took Jade and Joe to the family room, there were pics up on the wall that the children had drawn for their poorly relatives. One of them said 'Get Well Soon Granddad'. I had a lump in my throat.

Anyway, I had better go and jump in the bath, after the long, emotional day I have had today, I could do with a long, hot soak... again, if you get the chance, please do visit the hospice website, it would mean so much.

Loads of love, Ess xx

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Proud Mum Moment!

Just got the kid's school photos back, and I hope you will agree, they are fantastic! I am soooo proud of them!

Tagged by Sam!!!

7 celebrity crushes:

Robbie Williams
James Martin
Nigel Harman - Dennis from Eastenders
Mark Moraghan - Owen from Holby
(Will leave the other 3 till I think of someone worthy! lol)

7 Things I'm good at:

Making gorgeous children
Instant Messaging

7 things I plan to do before I die:

Lose weight
Get Fit
Start going swimming again (have to do the above first)
Get rich
Go to Australia
Get my self confidence back
Marry Robbie Williams (lol)

7 things I cannot do:

Take my drink
Round scoubis
Touch my nose with my tongue
Get organised
Keep the house tidy

7 things that attract me to the opposite sex:

Sense of humour

7 things I say often:

Get down!
It was only £....
Have you got any money John?
Come on, get dressed! (Jade)
Shall I ring Miss Hussein?
Yes... yes... yes!!!!

Can't think of anyone to tag atm, everyone else seems to have already done it!

Monday, November 14, 2005

Birthday Cake and Ego Trips!

Hello all!

Well I had a lovely birthday weekend (well, you have to make the most of them don't you!), starting with a bit of retail therapy and lunch with mum and the kids. Then went to the school xmas fair ending with takeaway and football with friends. Sunday was one shopping extravaganza at the Trafford Centre with John and the kids. We had lunch at the Tapas Bar before trawling through the crowds. I am happy to say that I ended up with marginally more than the kids, I got 2 lovely tops, and the kids a pair of slippers each from the Disney Store. Joe's were Nemo and Jade's, of course, were Disney Princesses and veeeerrrry fluffy and girly.

You may be wondering about the 'Ego Trips' bit of the title, there is a game doing the rounds where you email your pals asking for one word that they believe sums you up. Here are a few that my pals have sent to me!

Caring x2!
Generous} These two obviously weren't with me when
Selfless } I opened my birthday chocolates!
Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious err... thanks Al!
Bloodygreatmate!... aww, fanks Summer!

If any more come fluttering through my inbox I will add them...

Here are some more pics of the sprogs! They were taken with my new phone, a pressie for my birthday off John, it's a Motorola Razr (silver) and I love it!