Monday, February 20, 2006

Cheeky Little Monkeys!!!

Hehe no I'm not talking about Jade and Joe, not this time!!! I am referring to the little shits at the Safari Park yesterday who knackered up the car a bit! On our first drive around the safari, they pulled the screen wash nozzles out, both of them! On the second, a massive fuck off baboon ripped off one of the wiper blades. Here are a few pics of them then one of the damage. We actually had to drive round the rest of the safari with the wiper sticking up and everyone pointing and saying 'ooh look what those monkeys have done to your car'! One bloke even wound down his window and pointed out that the winglight is hanging out, we smiled and went along with it, cursing the monkeys, knowing that it had been like that for a good few weeks!!!

After the tour, we went to see the parrot display (I want another one - an african grey), and had a couple of rides on the fairground. I sat with Jade on the carousel and John sat with Joe, Joe absolutely loved it and was grinning like a loony! Then we went on one of those crap trains that goes round in circles. A few more piccies for you to endure I'm afraid!

Sunday, February 19, 2006

We're Going On Safari!!

Hi all!!! Today we had a fabulous family day out, first we went to Knowsley Safari Park (or the Sari Park as Jade called it!) then we went to a chinese restaurant on the way home!

We started off with a drive around the safari. Here are some pics...

Our Driver for the day...
(she was sitting on John's knee, but don't worry, he was only doin' a couple of mph, not exactly Britney Spears!)

Rudolph and co. recouping after the Crimbo rush!

Nellie having a mudbath (well it was either taking a pic of that or her friend having a humongous shit!)

This is one of my fave pics, I wound the window down an inch and got bollocked off one of th rangers via loudspeaker!

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow!!!

Hello everyone, I had decided it was about time I had my hair cut, get rid of the horrendous pony tail, I was getting so lazy with my hair, just tying it back every day and hardly ever styling it. I rang round loads of hairdressers and finally found one, and they said they would fit Jadey in for a trim. I brushed through her hair first before we went, I thought social services would have knocked on my door, she was screaming her head off. Oh well, better to have her screaming at home than in the hairdressers! She is so hairsore bless her.

We were shown straight to our seats, Jade had to sit on a booster seat so she could reach the sink, she was chatting away to the hairdresser, they were charmed by her! They washed her hair and just cut 2 inches off the bottom, to get rid of all the dead ends and neaten it up. I, on the other hand, decided to go for it and had about 4 inches off! She thinned my hair as it's normally soooo thick, then she dried it and straightened it, cos it's so wavy too. I was so chuffed with the results, so I asked John to take photos to show you! When we get back from MILs next week I am going to have it coloured. Something quite daring methinks!!! Any suggestions welcome!

Monday, February 13, 2006

This Week's Must Have!

Nicked off Jodi...


The Johari Window was invented by Joseph Luft and Harrington Ingram in the 1950s as a model for mapping personality awareness. By describing yourself from a fixed list of adjectives, then asking your friends and colleagues to describe you from the same list, a grid of overlap and difference can be built up.

Sunday, February 12, 2006

Like Father Like Son!

I ran upstairs shouting to John, to tell him something and this is what I found! I couldn't resist taking a shot so ran back downstairs to get the camera. They didn't even flinch when the flash went off!

It's Catching...!

Well it looks like the hat fetish is spreading within our house! Bought Jade this hat from Mackays yesterday for a fiver, what do you think? Jade says she looks like one of the Pussycat Dolls!

Monday, February 06, 2006

Rovers Return!

Yesssssssssss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Next door neighbour has been round this evening and we got onto the subject of going to the footie, she has a season ticket for Blackburn Rovers, I used to have one but gave it up when I moved down south. Since we moved back my friends either don't go, or there are no seats available near them. Anyway, Dawn told me tonight there is a seat right next to them that is always available so I am having it!!!!!!!! It has done my head in having to watch the matches on telly, or listening to the radio. Even more frustrating is the fact that I can hear the game from our back yard.

Fear not boys, next season I'll be back! Hot chocolate and a pastie at half time please!!!!!

My Word Cloud - Nicked off Jodi!

Saturday, February 04, 2006


As it's Jade's birthday today, I dug out some pics of Jadey growing up, I know I'm biased, but I think she is absolutely gorgeous! She was the ideal baby, sleeping thru from 2 weeks old, not a fussy eater (apart from her allergy, which obviously isn't her fault), and so well behaved, very very happy. Before getting pregnant, I couldn't ever envisage myself being a mum but hey, I wouldn't have life any other way! Love you Jadey! XXXXX

Thursday, February 02, 2006

Where DID You Get That Hat?

Hello peeps! Joe was having a bit of a wardrobe crisis this morning, just couldn't decide on which hat to wear! Note the pink scarf, which is actually Jade's My Little Pony headband which he took rather a shine to! He looks like he is going on some gay pride parade or something!

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

All Is Well....

Touch wood!!! Last week Jade and Joe were both poorly with a tummy bug. Joe wasn't quite as bad but Jade was sick quite a lot. She is very good though, she isn't the sort of child that flaps about that she wants to be sick, she just takes herself off to the bathroom bless her. It seems that their appetites are back to normal.

I got the bug at weekend. On Saturday night I just knew I was going to be ill so I went to bed hoping that I would sleep through it but oh no, I was up at 4am being sick (and the other symptom lol) until about lunchtime. Couldn't even keep water down. I nibbled on a couple of rich teas during the afternoon and had tea at night. He he with the points I had saved up to then I could have had a fry up!

John had been bad with his asthma over the weekend, so much so that I had to go to the corner shop on Sunday clenching my cheeks, cos it was so cold it would have made him much worse. On Monday morning we put his steroids right up hoping that would work as the last thing we want is for him to go to hospital and miss Jade's birthday at weekend. This didn't work though and he had to get a taxi to the hospital. I was so upset and getting really worked up then I got the phone call 'Please can you ring me a taxi'!!!! He had a nebuliser then they discharged him!!! Yippee!!!!!!!!!

The annoying thing is we have been using the same cab co. for about 5 years, and have always been pleased with them. I ordered one for John to go to the chest clinic last week as ours wouldn't start and asked for a non-smoking one, and the lady said 'it's ok, they're all non-smoking'. I was well chuffed. Anyway, we used the same co. for him to get to A&E, Fine. When I ordered one to pick him up afterwards, it turned up and when John opened the door, billows of smoke came out of the door! John told the driver to order him another cab, he would have been set straight back to square one if he had got in it. I rang the co. to order another one as the previous driver obviously couldn't be bothered, and when I asked for a non-smoking one, he said all the drivers smoked so it wouldn't be possible. I told him that wasn't what I had been told, and that they could piss off, I would go elsewhere. John rang the co. the next day and the Manager is investigating! Yeehah!

Anyway, the upshot is, we are all fit and well for Jade's birthday (again, touch wood!) for our visit to the Blue Planet Aquarium, we have been before and Jade loves it! I can't believe my little girl is going to be 5 in 3 sleeps! This time 5 years ago, I was eating a pineapple a day, eating loads of curries and walking up and down Clacton sea front! Don't believe a word of what the old wives say!!!! Jade arrived 14 days late, after a 42 hour labour!

Right, Offski to beddiboes!


Ess. x