I know we all say it but I really can't believe that my little man is now 2!!! What a journey it has been, so many big events have happened, some good, some bad, but Joe has remained a little ray of sunshine through it all!
Yes, 11.15 on Wednesday, August 18th, I was taken to theatre as I was booked in for a caesarean, I had polyhydramnia (excess water) and was told that if my waters broke naturally then the cord could come first and that would have been catastrophic. I was absolutely gutted as I was geared up for a water birth but when it came to it, I just wanted Joe here. Anyway, I digress! John was in his scrubs and OMFG did I laugh!! We went into the theatre, which was quite daunting, I have had operations before but never went into the theatre wide awake. I was given the spinal block which made me feel mega sick so was given more drugs :) At one point the surgeon said 'we're lifting him out now' so I told John to look, obviously I couldn't so I wanted John to. John went a whiter shade of pale and had to leave the theatre. He came back in a few seconds later and this time they really were lifting Joe out. The problem had been that his little foot was stuck so they literally had to put him back in and take him out again! His apgar scores were 9 then 10, what a star!
Anyway, as I said, good and bad things have happened during his little lifetime so far, we lost Nanna and Granddad, bless them, I often wonder what they would have made of Jade and Joe. He is such a happy (and mischevious) little boy, with excellent manners, always says please and thank you, and says a very cheery 'hello'! His talking is coming on in leaps and bounds, and charms everyone who sees him. He absolutely adores his big sis Jade, and she dotes on him too.
I'll just leave you with a couple of pics of our little monster and say: