Friday, April 28, 2006

A Toddler On The Edge!!

I have removed the video cos it has buggered up all my links lol but I wanted to keep all the comments!

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Testing Testing...

Tuesday, April 25, 2006


Well, as the title suggests, I am in agony tonight! Just as Blessing was leaving today, I was chatting to her mum at the door and Joe decided to close the vestibule door - just as my lil finger was in it! The pain didn't register at first as Joe was throwing himself against the door as it wouldn't close.

After bawling my eyes out I took myself off to A&E, expecting to still be there now (10.30), but I was seen straight away, went to x-ray and the end section of my little finger is fractured. It is now strapped up, I have to keep it elevated (when I'm not typing lol) and I have to go to fracture clinic on Thursday morning!

Bless him though, Joe was so good tonight, went straight to sleep on his bottle and I put him in his cot, and touch wood, I haven't heard a peep off him all night.

I will leave you with a couple of pics of baby small as Jade calls it. NO LAUGHING!

Saturday, April 22, 2006

Jim Jam Joe

Hello Peeps!

Well after a hectic and rather eventful fortnight, for all sorts of reasons, this morning I was feeling very jaded (excuse the pun) and in need of a pick me up. I rang my mum and asked if she fancied a bit of shopping...

Pair of shoes for Joe
Pair of shoes for Jade
Pair of plimsolls for Jade
Tracksuit bottoms for Jade
Denim jacket for moi
Turquoise Kaftan type top for moi
Black t-shirt top for moi
Pink vest top for moi
Cotton jamas for Joe
Bob the Builder jamas for Joe
Short sleeved shirt for Joe
Hooded jacket for Joe
Socks for Joe
T-shirt for John
Undies for John

I think that's it! Boy did it feel good! I will leave you with a pic of Joe looking rather chuffed with his new jamas, they are covered with diggers and hard hats, Sasha, if you want some for Finnbinn, let me know...!

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Out With The Old...

Well, the time finally came...

I was the second person to post on the 'new look' Babycentre August 2004 Birth Board. I don't like it. I prefer the old board. I guess the new one would take a bit of getting used to. It just seems like the end of an era. The old boards were around before us August 04 mums were peeing on little sticks and now they have all gone. What does everyone else think of them?

A little boast here, I was getting Joe ready for bed last night and he named all his facial features. I was totally gobsmacked. He said them all so clearly! A couple of weeks ago he would only say 'no' for nose, but now he goes through his whole repertoire and woe betide anyone who interrupts him, he is so proud of his little self bless him!

Right, off to set up my profile on good 'new' BC!

Loads of love
E. x

Monday, April 17, 2006

Tagged By Kelly!

Cheers Kell!

1) I met John on t'internet!

2) We once had tickets to see Peter Kay but missed it cos John was in hospital

3) I went to see Stu Francis in pantomime in Preston, and he picked me from the audience.

4) I was once wrongly arrested for shoplifting in M&S and spent 2 hrs in a cell. CCTV video showed that I was innocent.

5) I used to be a size 10!

6) When giving birth to Jade, I had to have ventouse, there was a hole in the suction pipe, and the midwives had to keep their finger over it. One of them let go and they all ended up on their arses!

Now I tag Sam, Jayne, Mandy, Barb and Sasha!

Friday, April 14, 2006

...And Next Week, On Crimewatch...




My Beautiful Daughter!

Today I have had one of those days where I just can't take my eyes off Jade.
I had to take her picture.
A truly proud mum moment that I simply had to share.

Friday, April 07, 2006

Fast Love - The Remix


Wednesday, April 05, 2006

One For The Album...

Have you ever taken a pic and thought 'I'll show this to his mates when he's older'...?

Saturday, April 01, 2006

I DEFINATELY WOULD...!!! (Updated)