Tuesday, March 28, 2006


Saturday, March 25, 2006

Our Kids

We are all well on the mend with ravenous appetites, apart that is, from John. He can't seem to keep anything down and is very erm... constipated. He has tried allsorts, even swigging lactulose straight from the bottle!

Anyway, the upshot is, he has been too ill to go out and get me a Mothers Day pressie so, seeing as I was going into town today, he told me to go and buy myself 2 orchids for the fireplace. My favourite flowers. Not one to miss an opportunity, I went to M&S, which was actually cheaper than anywhere else. A lot of them were looking a bit messed up cos it was a case of dog eat dog every man for himself in town today, last minute scramble for Mothers Day pressies. I had got myself organised this year, I ordered my mum some flowers yesterday, so I have to pick them up in the morning. For MIL I ordered her a cup with a pic of Jade and Joe on it. She rang to say she had received it and it was lovely. We have all decided that, the money we would have spent on presents for Nanna will go to St Catherine's Hospice, where Nanna spent her last month.

Anyway, I am going to leave you with pics of Our Kids, I have also taken a snap of my tulips, I so love having flowers around the house, my fave cut flowers are tulips and lillies...

Never Again!!!

It is now 00:45, I am extremely knackered. I have been looking for new templates for my blog, I was feeling a bit left behind with all this HTML lark so I thought I would dabble, and boy, do I regret it! I hope you like it! I had picked one with chocolates as a border but the pics were a bit in yer face. I know how all you female readers HATE chocolate so I thought it wouldn't be a good idea ;).

Changing the subject before I get linched, Jade and Joe are sooo much better now, so much so that Jade got Star of the Week AGAIN today, I was a bit pissed off as her teacher didn't tell me so I didn't go to church to watch her get her sticker off the head teacher. During Lent, all the Friday assemblies are being held in the church.

We are toying with the idea at the moment of buying another parrot. We used to have an African Grey called Molly, she was an absolute star, a fabulous talker if a little blue every now and again if you know what I mean. I am just a bit wary with the kids, I just know Joe would be trying to prod it at every opportunity. Saying that though, Jade was good as gold with Molly but Joe is a bit braver than she was. Molly died age 2 and a half. We don't know why, but we were devastated, she was like another baby, and no other pet could ever take her place. I will leave you with a few pictures of her...

Monday, March 20, 2006

The Girl Done Good!!!

I am typing this bleary eyed, stayed up last night to watch Helen run and I am sooo glad I did, she is through to the 1500m final, and not only that, she came 1st in her heat!!!!!

The final is on television tomorrow morning, 8.30am our time...

COME ON HELEN, YOU CAN DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Show that Freddie Flintoff he ain't the only good thing to come out of Preston!

Sunday, March 19, 2006

Come on Helen!!!

We are very excited today, my mum's friend, Helen Clitheroe is in Sunny Oz at the moment, she is running in the Women's 1500m at the Commonwealth Games in Melbourne. It will be on television tonight between 11pm and 12.30am. My mum actually does her sports massage as that's what she does for a living.

She ran in the same race in the Commonwealth Games in Manchester 4 years ago, and won bronze, Kelly Holmes won Gold.

So come on everybody, join us in cheering Helen on tonight!!!!

COME ON HELEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, March 18, 2006

The Poorly House...

Yes we are still poorly in our house at the moment, and I am really getting down. I have never seen my kiddies looking so sick, this horrible virus has really knocked them both for six. First Jade started last weekend with the sickness then she had a horrific temperature. On Monday night, Joe started with it. They have both had a croupy sort of cough and sticky eyes, Joes have only just cleared up so he looks like he has gone 10 rounds with Amir Khan! Since then, both of them have barely eaten but I have made sure they are drinking plenty. I have also started them on a vitamin tonic to give them both a boost.

I started with it all on Wednesday night, I thought it was because I had been doing a bit of clearing out, and the dust had got up my nose, but later on I knew that I had come down with it. I had to try and sleep propped up with the bean bag because my sinuses were in agony. On Thursday I had the sickness and achiness, since then, I seem to be gradually getting rid of it, now it is just like a normal cold but I have a bit of a sore throat because I can't breathe through my nose so my throat gets dry. I just think, god, if I feel like this, my kids must feel 100 times worse poor little mites!

I will say though, I don't know if I will have coped if it weren't for John doing the nightshift, as soon as there was a murmur, John was up and seeing to the kids, he was marvellous, I had to be up at 7am every morning for Blessing to arrive, as I didn't want to let her mum down. John seems to have escaped being ill, he had his flu jab at the beginning of winter.

I never thought I would hear myself say that I can't wait for Joe to be running and climbing around the house, trashing it again. We have decided to treat them both next weekend with a trip to Chester Zoo, Seeing as it will be Mother's Day, we don't want to be in my mum's face really, she doesn't want to celebrate it with it being her first without Nanna, and to be honest, I don't either, I always used to get Nanna a card and a little pressie, but I know, she will always be with us somewhere...

Friday, March 17, 2006

Saturday, March 11, 2006

Toddler At Work!!

Wednesday, March 08, 2006


The next David Beckham perhaps???

...not forgetting the ballgirl of course!!!!

Monday, March 06, 2006

~**Everythin Bout Ur Buds**~
How many friends do you have?:Quite a few!
Which one have u known the longest?:Lisa - 20 years
Which one have u known the shortest?:Summer, about 12 months
Who lives the farthest?:Summer! In Australia
Who lives the closest?:Lisa, in Blackburn
Who would u say knows u best?:My mum
Who knows u least?:Err... wouldn't like to say, I pretty much wear my heart on my sleeve
Do u have mostly guy friends, mostly gurl friends, or a good mix?:mostly girlies
Who is the hottest?:Summer or Sam
Who is the smartest?:Summer
Who is the blondest?:Summer!
Who is the best athlete?:Summer
Who is the best musician?:Err... dunno!
Who is the best artist?:Piss artist hehe, there are many!
Who is the best listener?:ooh, Summer, Sam or Al!
Who talks the most?:hahaha Al!
Who laughs the most?:Summer!
Who has the most distinct laugh?:Al!
Who cries the most?:Lisa
Who has the most gossip spread about them?:Aherm... wouldn't like to say
Who spreads the most gossip?:ditto
Who sings the best?:dunno really! Definately not Lisa
Who dances the best?:Summer
Who was the last friend u hugged?:Summer (Via Messenger this evening)!
Have u ever liked a friend as more than a friend?:no
Who was the last friend to compliment u?:Summer
Who was the last friend u talked with?:Summer
Which friend do u know the most about?:Summer
Which friend do u miss the most?:SUMMER!!!!
Which friend smiles the most?:Summer!!!!!
Who has the most in common with u?:Al!
Who has the coolest siblings?:Summer!
Who has the coolest parents?:Lisa
Who has the coolest pets?:Al
Who has the coolest name?:Summer
Who has the best style?:Summer
Who has the best hair?:Sam!
Who is the funniest?:Summer, Sam and Al
Who is the loudest?:Al
Who is the quietest?:Sam
Who has the nicest house?:Summer
Who's house were u at last?:Al's
Who was at ur house last?:Lisa
Who has the nicest bf/gf?:Summer, Sam or Al
Take this survey

Friday, March 03, 2006

Snow Wonder!!!

We finally got some decent snow today so as soon as Jadey got home from school we all wrapped up and braved the elements!

Crashed Out!